2017年9月6日 星期三



*聽力重複命中T20 Nebra Disk p. 18
*聽力重複命中T38 Lecture 2 Nanomachine p. 69

1.     Inuit 依努特人的房屋 (igloo) 構造
2.     Agriculture: Chinampa (美洲早期的一種農業生產方式)
3.     Glaciers and Ice Age (Glaciation in the Pleistocene Era)
4.     Hawaii plants & animals & insects: how they came to Hawaii island
5.     印歐語系傳播到歐洲並取代當地原生語言的過程和原因
6.     鳥類歌聲Bird Singing功能交配和建立領土
7.     美國工業發展1865-1900
8.     早期南美洲文化
9.     Olmec Art 20170304已考再次考出
10.  How Earth’s Oceans Formed
11.  The Origin of Flight in Birds

1.     Engineering history 
2.     ask for something unclear in a letter for incoming students (a book to read and a study group for new coming students); community services; education major for the women in the conversation
3.     ask for classes in next semester (European literature, poetry, pre-calculus [needed to take one test from university, 3 yrs of math in high school]
Conversation 2-學生和生物部門主管
4.     內容回憶:學生去找professor表明想要參加一個會議,關於部門的時事通訊。並且校友也會參加。學生建議,論文可以用電子版,這樣方便閱覽以及節約紙張。而且也確定校友也會認可此做法。

1.     文藝復興/巴洛克音樂, emotion有關然後有提到opera早期羅馬時期古老的音樂用來人與人之間交流。重點提到巴洛克時期的音樂,常形成對比,賦予其緊張感。也提到了復調和主調音樂,復調是沒有主旋律和伴聲之分,相互層疊;主調音樂是以一條旋律為主,其它的音響材料都是它的陪襯,起著烘托主要旋律的作用。最後提及戲劇,需要更多的歌手和樂器伴奏,同時也會賦予更多的情感變化,推動音樂的故事性。
2.    filaments found in dinosaur fossils: evidence for dinosaur as ancestor of birds (collagen theory, melanosomes as color pigments)
3.    (*重複命中T38 Lecture 2 p. 69) nanomachine in medicine (three parts of the machine: wheels [easy to make], steering rod [using nickel and magnetic field], engine [using platinum and gold as catalyst; hydrogen peroxide and water as fuel]) 
4.    Women China Decorations in the nineteen century (in relation with Industrial revolution; women artists and learning of decorations in urban or rural areas)
5.    (*重複命中T20 Nebra Disk) Lecture: Nebra sky disk as lunar calendar and later as a cultural symbolisim
6.    Architectural History,講的是BauhausWalter Gropius

1. What do you think is the most difficult thing for students and how do you think they can solve it 

2. Some prefer to decorate their room, study room or other places. Some keep it simple

3. Close of cafeteria on East Campus 

4: a specific species of Toad: its tadpole live alone or become social because of much or less food source respectively

5: Interview with new roommates or participating geology study group

6: Video art
theatrical cinema (實際用詞不確定) 的不同之處

Integrated: pros and cons of placing solar panels in space
space-based solarpower的好處,太空能源的獲取效益
1. 可以獲得更多能源
2. 可以保護宇宙飛船免於撞擊
3. 對環境有益
1. 將宇宙飛船送往太空非常昂貴而且會存在信息延期的情況
2. 由於長期不在服務,太空灰塵太小而不能被記錄,甚至高速也會造成集中熱量
3. 會破壞臭氧層,導致更多紫外線進入到地球,從而傷害人類和其他生物動物
Independent: A/D Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past



[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...