2017年7月5日 星期三


Insect wings 命中小範圍p.19
England’s economy in the 16th century 命中小範圍p.5
Cognitive maps in animals 命中小範圍p.36

1.     Biology講昆蟲器官的演化,不得要領。 
2.     Psychology: 大部份的人看待行為有兩步驟,一、透過行為本身去認定對方的是個怎樣的人,如學生上課打瞌睡,一般老師會先認定這學生是懶惰的;二、考量對方的處境,如老師會想說,這同學睡覺可能是昨天讀書讀太晚。但,在某些特殊情況下,人們的對行為的思考會直接跳第二步驟: 1.與自己的利益有關 2.接下來的事情自己也會去做,如等等要看電影,看到一堆人從電影院出來笑個不停,會直覺思考這電影一定很好笑,而不會覺得這些人生性樂觀。最後有提到演員身歷各種劇情,應該是很能掌握第二步驟的處境思考,但學者好像不這麼認為?(不確定
3.     Sociology: 以前對 Town的定義不是以城鎮size大小去區分,而是以urban作為考量點,有很多是構成urban的要素,比如trading function等等,但也有例外的,如military function。一般的定義有用Venice舉例。 
4.      蝴蝶防禦行為
5.     報社發展
6.     一個城市發達的飲水網路
7.     Florence發展
8.     bird migration 先介紹migration preparatory stage, 然後是migration途中的stopover
9.     the impacts of railroad in America 主要是economic social方面的影響
10. Hohokam culture (southwest US
1)      Why they can live in an arid environment
? Build canal
 system è utilize the land far from the river valley
2)      Canal
 è Immobility
 è important to preserve vegetation:
ú   gather vegetables rather than domesticate animals
ú   only eat fruit or seed rather than plants itself
ú   use seedpod as fuel; less energy needed due to warm climate
ú   the area far from canals remain uninhibited and the nature resource can be preserved
3)      Community
ú   Ball court for ceremonies and special events
ú   Help each other to reduce agriculture risk (plant crops on both upper land and lower land)

1.     有個女同學要去訂票,問說網路怎麼無法訂,結果票務員發現女學生用是老舊的網頁,還說除了這個網頁以外,其它大部份的都有更新。
2.     archeological sites in Canada, 有一個lecture講太陽如何heat, 有重力勢能和e=mc square
3.     有個女同學舞蹈排練時間跟課衝到,因為音樂系學生需要排練交響樂,沒適合的時間了,女學生跟該課教授反應,教授抱怨說是老問題了,他會跟該單位連絡討論,接著她順便問能不能去一個舞蹈家的私人講座,還問說能不能錄影,教授說ok,但錄影設備壞了,只能錄音。

1.     劇場歷史: 文藝復興的透視法怎麼影響劇場舞台的應用。
2.     18世紀前的兒童文學:一開始說什麼是兒童文學的定義:1.大人寫給兒童 2.兒童寫給兒童。雖然18世紀前的兒童文學跟傳教很有關係,但也有顧及到怎麼讓兒童認識世界,有提到亞里斯多德。
3.     海洋是怎麼形成的: 首先先描述星球形成的過程,但過程裡只有岩石的參與,沒有水,這是因為水的元素存在在融岩中,女學生用在瓶子裡倒入oilwater,去確認是不是就像融岩裡頭物質的關係,教授說對,cooling process開始發生後,物質就會分離,之後,蒸發到大氣的水氣因氣溫下降開始凝結,降落便形成海洋。
4.     動物parenting behavior
5.     Plain air painting
start in 17th century but well accepted in 19th century due to:
ú   develop portable lightening device
ú   a new kind of painting materials, which cram in the tube and don't need to mix the pigments and oil together by themselves
ú   French impressionist prefer natural paintings
French impressionist
 (ex. Monet)
objective, observe directly without imagination or own experience
ú   focus on light; same scene different time

ú   no need to draw the irrelevant things like garbage can

6.     Civil inattention :
strangers are aware of one another when they passed by without talking
è unfocused interaction
break the barrier and start to talk to each other 
è focused interaction
What is the relationship of the professor and the students? (focused interaction)
Why does the professor ask about the student’s job? (work in the library and shopping center 
è easy to observe this special interaction (civil inattention)
7.     What is the value of a tree? ex. two houses with same quality and location. One with yard priced 105-dollar, while the other one without yard priced 100-dollar 
è The value of the yard (tree) is 5 dollars
Benefit cost analysis
including all the tree, yards, garden, sometimes it takes 10+ years to see the results
ú   Prevent flooding
ú   Less sunlight into the pavement è less reconstruction fee
It is difficult to evaluate the social value of trees
8.     Extremely bright Supernova
 (superluminous supernova)
Young and small galaxies are more likely to form supernova
Those initial bright galaxy 
è form extremely bright supernova
Galaxy core with H & He 
è not easy to observe (obscure by the brightness of supernova)
Stellar wind 
è absorb heavy element
Less stellar wind 
è continuous growing of galaxy
UV light
Need advanced telescope to observe the central hump of the supernova

1.     Who do you prefer to interview for the school newspaper report?
A successful business owner

A famous artist
A popular professor

2.     你同意不同意,當一個孩子被發現潛在天賦後,要脫離一般學校的教育體制,特別栽培他? A/D
: Child should teach differently at their special talent

3.     學生提議:不讓學生在圖書館睡覺。男同學不同意1.(好像?)還是有很多椅子可以坐 2.觀光客看到會知道學生不是偷懶而是太累。

4.     Ambient advertising: 一種讓平常接觸的物件變成廣告體的方法。教授提了一個賣Energy bar的公司,把廣告宣傳在通勤族的票卡上,因此提高銷售量。

5.     女同學要買給教授禮物,因為教授在Essay幫他很多,不知要送1.一個咖啡廳的Certificate(不特別且不像是專門為教授買的)或是 2.買一本教授感興趣的書(很貴,她之後要省吃儉用)

6.     植物的 Thermoregulation:有兩個功能 1.讓植物的組織在低溫時不會被凍壞 2.因為昆蟲會被有熱能的植物吸引,因此內部的熱能可以吸引昆蟲幫忙授粉。

Integrated writing:
講隕石撞地球後,三個因素讓鸚鵡螺(ammonites)絕種了了:1.Acid rain 2.某個主食-S物種消失 3.氧氣缺乏。
教授 disagree: 1.酸雨應該會讓皮膚沒保護層的物種消失,但frogs沒有絕種 2.S物種只是單一種鸚鵡螺的食物,其它的不吃它 3.鸚鵡螺能在含氧量低的地方生存,不至於絕種。

Independent writing:



[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...