2013年4月29日 星期一

高機率機經聽力-- 北美樹蛙

5/11 高機率機經聽力提到蜜蜂再冬天會不動,為了省力,
這邊要提到的是TPO出現過的North American wood frog,


1. 天氣變冷時,血液裡的蛋白質使得血液裡的水份開始結冰,凝固形成的冰再吸收細胞的水份。
Special proteins in their blood, called nucleating proteins, cause the water in the blood to freeze first. This ice, in turn, sucks most of the water out of the frog's cells. 

2.  不過同時青蛙的肝臟開始製造葡萄糖,這些葡萄糖可防止重要器官像心臟裡的水份結冰。 
At the same time the frog's liver starts making large amounts of glucose—a type of sugar—which packs into cells and props them up. 

The frogs enter a state of suspended animation. Inside the cells there's thick sugary syrup, while outside the cells all the water is frozen.
The concentrated sugar solution helps prevent additional water from being pulled out of the frog's cells, which can destroy them.
3. 當春天來了氣溫開始變暖後,北美樹蛙會從內部器官開始解凍一直到最外層皮膚。
The peculiar thing is even though the sun is warming the frog up on the outside, its inside thaw out first, the heart and brain and everything. But somehow it all just happens that way every spring.




[心得] Molly 四戰 97 感謝J2機經班

[心得]國立台灣師範大學化學系 四戰 97 感謝J2機經班[求學背景] 國立台灣師範大學 化學系 [應考日期&成績:  07/10 第4戰 97 分  各科分數:R22 L29 S22 W24  英文能力敘述:學測 13 分  考試身分:全職考生  考場地點:高雄寰宇 ...