2018年1月3日 星期三




1.     一篇講如何從游牧變成耕田
2.     一篇講為什麼月亮上面坑坑巴巴, 但地球不會有, 因為地球有大氣可以擋掉comet還是meteor
3.     How bristle-conepine trees are able to survive
1段說明bristle-conepine tree 是現如今發現的存活時間最長的有機體,生活在惡劣的生存條件下,位於北美東部的延長地帶的山地上。埃及金字塔時期是其seedling階段,common era middle age, 皆是為了強調其年齡的古老。
2段講到了它的地理位置分布能解釋生存。它的分布是in isolation, 所基於dolomite 周邊有sandstone, dolomite的陽光反射強烈,造成其溫度低而濕度高;
3段說明有一項survival advantage。其有大量的dead tissue, 只需要保存一小部分的tissue 所需的能量和物質即可;
4段說明它的材質里存在一種物種使得其inhospitable to fungi and bacteria, 所以free from disease.
5段說明可以通過橫切面的tree ring來測量其年齡,因為隨著季節變化,tree cellsize會發生變化。
4.     Easter island statues
5.     Origin of life
第一段:介紹生命起源的第一種理論,有兩個科學家提出的O-h 理論,認為萬物起源於原有的一些元素轉換為生命所需額氧氣氫氣之類。
第五段  還有更多的關於星球起源的爭議,沒有定論,期待更多討論。

6.     一種恐龍沒有咀嚼的牙齒然後它額頭上有個東西可以幫他感知捕食者
7.     羅馬和英國殖民史
8.     水溫。一年四季水溫,密度變化
9.     某種恐龍是水生還是陸生的,然後分析了恐龍的水下呼吸的能力以及脖子伸展的範圍
10.  鳥類築巢
11.  古文明的起源發展
12.  蘇美爾農業美索不達米亞低地
13.  船隻導航的發展(星星,帆,羅盤)
14.  昆蟲有毒,鳥吃它們但他的基因的多樣性也會保持。而且他的捕食者不會再去襲擊它的同類,形成一種保護機制
15.  蜥蜴如何遍布夏威夷
16.  一種螞蟻喜歡吃種子里的某種物質,因為很有營養。螞蟻有助於這些植物種子的傳播
17.  海洋公約
18.  古生物的產生

2 sought—looked for
4 be incorporated into—part of
discard abandon
distinctive ---easy to recognize
1 longevity—long life
2 decaying—rotting
3 inhospitable—hostile

1.     學生和書店管理人員
甲學生去書店,遇到的書店的學生兼職正好和該學生之前上同一門古代歷史的課,記得甲學生的筆記做的很好,然後提到自己下學期要上一個哲學課,正在找一本關於哲學課程的教科書,教材是教授自己編寫的,學生兼職告訴他該書一般只在inhouse 出版社,即學校內部的出版社,在journal 中流通。
2.     學生和professor教授講解birdfeeder 對鳥的進化的影響,例如有一種鳥在夏天的時候在德國,冬天一般遷徙到西班牙,但是因為英國的餵鳥者,則有一部分在冬天會遷徙到英國,而因為生育週期發生了變化,遷徙到英國的這部分鳥,鳥喙變得更長了,與之前的鳥類品種發生了變化。

1.     The effect radio broadcasts had on American culture
2.     Ireland and Plays of Shakespeare Ireland 為了讓自己的父親對自己印象深刻,偽造了莎士比亞的一部戲劇,該劇本裡面例如名字出現的不同寫法,以及所發現的位置都引起了大家的懷疑。而對觀眾上演時,觀眾樂不可支,一些人認為是劇太糟糕了,另外一些人指出是演員演技的問題,而該演員說自己的演技是在配合糟糕的劇本。

1.          Which one of the following will you choose to do as a volunteer? Distributing meal in neighborhood, building a play ground for childrenvisiting patients in hospital.
2.           Schools should not allow students to use calculators to solve math problems?
3.          Student proposal: Universities should allow laptops to be used in class
1. Let students learn how to do research on the computer
2. Professors can guide every student to useful websites during lectures
Man disagrees
1. Students would use the computer to play games instead; also, research information is for people who are more advanced in a particular field, students just need basic understandings
2. There is already a lot to teach in class with a limited of time, so the woman suggests to focus on the lecture rather than other stuff
4.          floral guard 舉例是百香果花和biting ant(就是guard)
定義:那些開花的物種一般通過傳播花粉來繁衍,但是有一些昆蟲在不傳播花粉的情況下就吃nectar, 減少了植物繁殖的機會。Floral guard 即會通過攻擊這些昆蟲來保護nectar.
聽力例子:例如biting ant 就通過這種方式來保護passion flower. 通過攻擊那些不傳播花粉的蟲子,增加了passion flower 的繁殖機會。

5.          A woman is responsible for students shift at the front desk of the gym
There is one student who is ill so he had to take a day off. Unfortunately, no coworkers were available.
Solution 1:
Do the shift herself
Reason: responsibility
Solution 2:
Tell the student to come despite the illness
X: feel bad for him
6.          Explain two steps to build a eco-friendly building之類的
1. Structures that preserve energy
Ex: in cold places, building air-tight windows can prevent heat from losing
2. renewable resource should be included
Ex: Solar panels generate electricity

Wind turbines causing bats extinction (because the turbines are in the way of their migration pattern)
3 solutions to prevent the extinction
1. Build them in other places to avoid the migration route
2. Close the turbines at night
3. Use radar signals to prevent bats from flying into the area

Listening: disagree
1. Wind turbines are built in mountain ridges, which is directly in the way of the bats migration route. If turbines were built in other places like in a big plain, there wouldn’t be sufficient wind power to produce energy.
2. Bats tend to sleep on tall structures. So if the turbines don’t move, they would most likely stay there overnight. When the turbines start moving, they would have a great chance of being harmed.
3. Radar effects are much more than people think. They could damage the reproductive system of the bats, causing bats unable to reproduce, therefore leads to a greater decline in the population of bats.

*命中小範圍Q18 Do you think the most important thing government could do for health care is clean the environment?



[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...