2017年4月11日 星期二



*口說命中T20 Task 4  p.14 Peer Reinforcement
*整合寫作重複T4 Akkadian Empire

1. Increasing Jellyfish population
1: Whether we should worry about the increasing jellyfish population. On the one hand, prey population increases and water temperature changes; on the other hand, it occurs in many places. Then take Japan as example, whose jellyfish population drifted to the sea has raised up to 500 million each day.
2: 指出導致jellyfish population增加的因素,其一是人們對seafood的喜愛導致overfishing,使得predator的數量減少。
3段:指出另一個因素是jellyfish’s thrive features: global warming and acidification.
5段:other aquatic life forms cannot exist, 但是jellyfish有幾個特徵使得其能生存:good survival rates, rapid reproduce and low oxygen level 6段:benefits from globalization.

2. The Importance of Mail Service in the Early United States
1段:America formation promotes circulation of news and information,  both velocity and volumepeople trades with one another in distance
2段:The United States Post Office makes news circulation easy and free. 隨後介紹了two decisions that help postal system to improve integrate nation: one is post office is granted to sell all the newspapers at low price, another is Congress never turning down any petition for new road or new post service.
3段:提出雖然post servicepolitical purpose決定,但是它也影響了business,舉了wheat的例子。
4段:transportation improvements. new built roads提高了mail servicecapacity and speed up service, too。隨著交通的發展,越來越多的方式 can deliver mailssailing ship, stagecoach, steamboat, canal boat and railroad.

3. The Green Revolution
1: The green revolution can date as far back to 1930s. 農業科學家做實驗以manipulate the seed of crops to improve productivity. 隨後指出科學家把中國大米和印度大米作為 parents研究出IR8,優點是 bigger head of grain and stronger stem。雖然IR8提高了產量,但是科學家仍然不滿足,於是研究出了IR36,優點是:來自13parents(母本),可以抵抗15pests110 days of growing period and three crops each year
2段:global hunger makes the green revolution extraordinaryIndia can be self-sufficient in crop production and Asia increases the crop production.
3段:非洲的地理環境使得其受益較小,故科學家研發出新的super ricewhich can be transplanted that depended on seeding directly instead of seedling
4段:指出the green revolution 有很多detractors,比如 chemical fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the organic matter in the soil, and many small-scale farmers lack of financial resource to purchase genetical enhanced seeds.

4. The Origin And Rise of Modern Birds
1段:指出all bird groups are classified as Neornithes, 科學家使用 K-T extinction作為新舊鳥類的dividing line.
2段:傳統認為modern birds 起源於cenozoic
3段:指出有新的研究利用 molecule time estimation得出modern birds實際上起源於Cretaceous.
4段:指出儘管 molecule time estimation是根源於gene sequence,但是不能解釋導致mass extinction產生的evolution process.

1.     中世紀城鎮 town village區別, town的發展 在歐洲各地發展形式不同,三個勢力對控制權的競爭
2.     墨西哥muralist 怎麼具有modernization 講了三個不同的代表人物
3.     除蟲害引進nonnative天敵來治理
4.     fish lion減少原因

unprecedented = never seen before
permanent = constant
excessive= too many
inadvertently = accidentally
explicit= clear stated
integration = unit
suspicion = distrust
experimenting with = trying to
drastic= extreme
acquired = obtained
vacated = emptied
counterpart= equivalent
compelling = convincing
essential = principal

C1 professor and student
內容回憶: 學生詢問了推薦信的事情,但是這不是重點,後來開始談論一個叫「Green Building Tour」的項目,這個女生要參加,所以向教授詢問一些相關內容,教授介紹說了這些建築的特色,著重講了一個叫」Pump-heat system」的技術等,正因為為了展示這個技術,這個項目才在冬天舉行了。後來學生說可不可以參觀fitness center。教授說這沒啥特色。

C2 professor and student
內容回憶: 學生和教授就一個作業展開對話。學生要寫一個關於城堡的小論文,但是不知道怎麼組織,以及參考文獻格式。教授詢問他已經做的一些研究狀況,最後教授建議他參加一個weekly workshop,可以得到關於參考文獻格式的介紹和小冊子。

C3 student and market planning professor
內容回憶: 學生感謝教授讓他論文延期的事情,後來重點討論的其實是學生參加的一個「Market Planning」小組項目。說到其進程,學生說還沒完,教授就說是不是有組員沒有努力做,學生說沒有。但任務量分配的不合理,別的同學有的任務都做完了但他的卻做不完,教授讓他把自己的任務再細分,讓別人分擔一些。

Lecture 1 Architecture
city planning 教授介紹了一本建築書籍,作者Ed Bacon 20th ,他是20th世紀人,貢獻有建造老城區及復興society hill,主張建築與周圍環境協調並考慮居住者的感受,他也受到其他建築家的影響。

Lecture 2 Archaeology
內容回憶: 中世紀早期歷史遺跡Yeavering vs 古羅馬時期歷史遺跡Bradley Hill。前者為木質茅草頂,不結實,所以留存下來的很少,瓷器色澤與土相近,不容易被發現。後者的建築多為混凝土,屋頂為瓦,很結實故留存下來的多,瓷器閃閃發光因此很容易被發現。

Lecture 3 Biology
土地用途改變產生的影響, Juniper得以擴張的原因及危害

Lecture 4 Biology
Coral reef
1)珊瑚的簡介 2)珊瑚的生存條件 3)珊瑚面臨的問題 bleaching 4)如何保護珊瑚

Lecture 5 Meteorology
Cloud-seeding的過程, 涉及術語——Bergeron process

Lecture 6 Art
Expressionism, 對比Expressionism Realism. 以及Expressionismtheatre的體現,play script.

1. The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to get graduate. Which of the following choice will you choose? A, soccer B, dancing C, cycling

2. Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while another is less well-know, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer, explain why.

3. Professor Should Provide Lecture Notes

4. Peer Reinforcement *命中T20 Task 4  p.14
例子:老師在課堂中制定了一些規則,然而sarah是一個不循規蹈矩的孩子,總是忽略老師的規則,沒有按照老師的要求put away toys,因此老師表揚了在這方面做的很好的paul,以此促進sarah行為的改善。

5. 問題:karen即將搬進新的公寓,她很喜歡這間公寓,但是價格昂貴。

6. 自然界中,young animal總是有很多特徵來保護自己不受predator的襲擊。
例子1 小獅子三個月以內的時候,毛髮上就有斑點,來融入周圍的色彩,保護自己
要點2moving quickly

*整合重複T4 Akkadian Empire


You have long been friend with someone. If they do something that you don’t like , should you still be friends with him or her



[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...