2013年7月15日 星期一



科學透過哈伯太空望遠鏡(Hubble Space Telescope) 看到一顆太陽系外的深藍色行星 (azure blur planet)!

Extrasolar planets (太陽系外行星)or exoplanet 也是托福常考的一個重點喔!
所以同學平常也可以多注意有關Astronomy, Science, Geology的新聞喔!!

這個名為HD 189733b 的行星,白天溫度可高達華氏2000度 (約攝氏1093度), 高溫使得天空下起液態玻璃!而且他是一顆*gas giant. (類木行星,組成物以氣體為主)

The planet, known as HD 189733b, is a gas giant with a daytime temperature of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit where it possibly rains liquid glass sideways amid 4,500 mph winds, NASA says.


The blue color comes not from the reflection of an ocean, as on Earth, "but rather a hazy, blow-torched atmosphere containing high clouds laced with silicate particles," NASA says. "Silicates condensing in the heat could form very small drops of glass that scatter blue light more than red light."

透過紅外線偵測,發現 HD 189733b 早晚溫差高達華氏500度,如此大的溫度差距會導致颶風的產生。

In 2007, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope measured the infrared light, or heat, from the HD 189733b. It showed day side and night side temperatures differ by about 500 degrees Fahrenheit, which should cause fierce winds to roar from the day side to the night side, NASA said.



[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...