2013年7月18日 星期四

中樂透啦!!小心樂極生悲:19 Lottery Winners Who Blew It All

威力彩23億一人獨得,but....看看以前樂透得主的下場... 同學們認真準備托福才實在阿!


中樂透在本文裡用了不少句型paraphrase, 這在托福不管是閱讀還是寫作都常看到,同學可以感覺一下要怎麼利用paraphrase避免repetition,不是只有 “won” the lottery

1.     “cashed a check” from the Ontario Lottery
2.     “walked away with” $114 million
3.     “hit” the $31 million jackpot in 1997


1.     a freak fire gutted their house 無名火吞噬整間房子。

2.     on welfare 靠社會資助生活

3.     handouts (這裡是指施捨,跟一般在校園生活常見的講義是不一樣的)to family, loans to friends 同篇文章下面有在提到個字:But like many others who win the lottery, he just couldn't say "NO!" when people asked for a handout.

4.     windfall 意外之財, 風吹下來的,好像天上掉下來般,這裡當然指的是樂透獎金

5.     A former Waffle House waitress named Tonda Lynn Dickerson got served a big plate of karma
got served a big plate of karma 是指遭到報應,這邊刻意用got served a big plate of 是因為他本身是一個餐廳的服務生。
karma 輪迴、因果報應。這個字在一般日常生活或美劇常用到,其他用法如:
She believes that helping people produces good karma.

6.     lump sum 就是一次付清,對比前面的yearly payouts分期付款

7.     foot the bill 就是付錢的意思,其他例子如:
His parents footed the bill for his college education.

8.     Today she resides in a trailer park.
所以trailer park指的是拖車公園,意思就是這位樂透得主落的最後只能住在拖車裡了。(台灣相對應的話就是鐵皮屋了吧...)
A trailer park at York Beac

9.     bouncing $1.5 million in checks.  

10.  picked up one helluva crack-cocaine addiction. 
helluva 也可以拼成 hell of a  就是很大或很極端的意思,這邊是指他古柯鹼重度成癮。

1 則留言:

  1. 利用此新聞還可以回答機經口說題目喔!
    Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. 20110625CN = 20091017NA

    A news/story that I recently found interesting was about how lottery winners blew it all after several years. In fact many people's lives became notably worse after they got super rich, and they managed to lose it all in no time. For example, a woman spent her winnings on a big house, fancy cars, designer clothes, and in less than a decade she's back riding the bus, working part-time, and living in a rented house. Some even picked up cocaine addiction. I couldn't have imagined this before I saw this news/story and it made me believe that cutting corners is not always a good thing. When we want something, we should earn ourselves.


[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...