2013年6月18日 星期二

Cheating Ourselves of Sleep



circadian rhythm 生理節奏,也常搭配clock (生理時鐘)

Speaking Task 4也有機會考出喔:

--> 閱讀:關於 circadian rhythm 的介紹。有兩個要點。一個是每人都會有自己的 ALERT TIME TIRED TIME。第二個要點就是這個 RYTHEM 隨著時間推移可能會改變。 

聽力:教授就舉了 2 個例子。首先說在大學的時候他習慣晚上學習,因為那個時候他精神好,效率 ,睡的比別人都晚。早上就會特別睏,起不來,所以他從來不選早上的課。 第二個例子說他做了年紀大了做了教授發現,早上效率比較高,晚上覺得累。所以現在他的習慣顛 倒了。早上看看書,備課,晚上就早早睡覺了。 

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) 注意力不足過動症,最常出現在學齡孩子中。

glucose 葡萄糖 (常出現在聽力Biology考題裡)

cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病



Several studies have linked insufficient sleep to weight gain. Not only do night owls with shortchanged sleep have more time to eat, drink and snack, but levels of the hormone leptin, which tells the brain enough food has been consumed, are lower in the sleep-deprived while levels of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, are higher.


睡眠時,身體會製造一種蛋白質叫cytokines, 能有效的防止傳染病!

During sleep, the body produces cytokines, cellular hormones that help fight infections. Thus, short sleepers may be more susceptible to everyday infections like colds and flu. In a study of 153 healthy men and women, Sheldon Cohen and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University found that those who slept less than seven hours a night were three times as likely to develop cold symptoms when exposed to a cold-causing virus than were people who slept eight or more hours.



[心得] Jenny 四戰105 感謝J2機經班

求學背景:國立大學 應考日期&成績:11/04 四戰 105 分 (一戰74分) 各科分數:R28 L27 S24 W26 英文能力敘述:多益 665 分 (7年前) 考試身分:上班族 考場地點:American Life Learning 準備時間:111 年 08 月...